Passive income for Veterans: An Ark Fi Journey

Jimmy Cash
4 min readDec 8, 2022

I am a Navy veteran. I have served for over 20 years in a mixed capacity between active and reserve service. My primary specialty while I was active duty was a Navy Nuclear Officer. My world entailed rules, regulations, pressure, stress, deadlines, and absolutely zero margin for error. As my boss would remind me, your job is to take this unbridled power and manage it within the constraints of human fallibility. And yet, like many veterans, for all the discipline we wielded on the battlefield, in the engine rooms, in cockpits, in emergency rooms, our ability to control our destiny with personal finances was much to be desired.

Fast forward to the end of 2022, after more than a year long foray into cryptocurrency and decentralized finance, playing in a space occupied by 20 somethings that were half your age but double your brainpower, I think I have finally found a semblance of that controlled chaos I was a master of in my youth.

2022 crypto has been, at times, for a lack of words, a dumpster fire, a flaming pile of s***, FUBAR. Searches for moon shots, or that elusive “sustainable” passive income play have resulted in utter disappointment.

And then there was the one passive protocol to rule them all…

Ark Finance (Ark Fi): An ecosystem of sustainable and stable high yield financial applications

WHAT IN THE WHAT?! What did my Senior Officer just yell at me! I’m going to get right to the point for the folks who have already endured the pain of 2022 crypto… Ark Fi has figured out how to take the CRAZY out of crypto.

Since I started this medium article off about my background as a Navy vet, I might as well be transparent that I was writing this with a target audience in mind. If you are or aren’t a military veteran or a first responder and are not following thus far, I sincerely apologize. If you are tracking, and we are synced up, let’s get to the point:

Ark Fi is S.A.F.E. (you were bound to get an acronym!)

S — Sustainable
A — Anti-WHALE
F — Flexible strategies
E — Earn, Earn, Earn!

I know veterans want the quick and dirty. The whitepaper is super comprehensive and can feel like reading a INDOC training manual. I’ll close this out by pasting an elevator pitch I use to highlight the important take-aways of the protocol (at least according to me, in my humble opinion), and links to where you can dive in yourself and learn at your own pace.

Ark Fi highlights:

· DeFi Passive Income Protocol
· Built on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
· Up to 2% Daily ROI
· Sustainable Tokenomics*
· Referral Rewards
· Multiple strategies that allow either recoupment of initial investment or favor maximum ROI

The most important aspect that makes Ark Fi solid and a true evolution is the sustainable tokenomics. Without calling other projects out, the common thread in many high yield protocols is the inability to sustain high yields and natural tendency for investors to compound heavily and withdraw in large amounts leading to extreme volatility and price depreciation.

*Sustainable tokenomics features unique to Ark Fi:

· Price stability mechanics
· Anti-whale dumping tax and max sell per day
· Reward throttling for excessive withdrawals
· Compound suspension for excessive compounding (this feature is the most important in my opinion)
· Scalable whale tax as the account balance grows
· Roadmap plans to utilize treasury funds for external investment/revenue.

The bottom line is this, the Ark Fi smart contract promotes good behavior and penalizes bad behavior in order to keep the protocol sustainable. However, it still allows a tremendous amount of flexibility and “choose your own adventure” while allowing an individual to earn passive income in predictable and customizable payout streams.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Every wallet generates the same max token payout, so any investor can participate! If you are experienced in marketing or have a great network, you can also earn a decent referral-based income. I guarantee one look at the white paper will leave you intrigued, excited, maybe even confused. That’s what my team is for. I am part of two “Syndicates” who will be there to answer questions, discuss strategies, and support each other. Dr. Kelly Snook, a NASA Rocket Scientist, is an advisor to the project and built an incredible ROI calculator.

The official launch date to buy Ark Fi tokens is December 16th, 2022. However, I guarantee you will need a few days to learn the protocol and link up with your teammates to ensure you are all set!

Please consider using my referral link below and becoming part of the Ark FIghters syndicate. All team members will get bonus airdrops, free tokens for starting secondary wallets, birthday airdrops, contests, promos, and much more!

If you are interested in purchasing ArkFi, please use this link:

Official Telegram:
ArkFIghters (First Responder/Veteran affinity group):
ARK White Paper:
Ark Fi Website:
Ark Fi Token Launch: Dec 16, 2022

-Participating in Ark Fi does require the ownership and ability to operate a decentralized finance wallet.
-This article is purely for informational and entertainment purposes. This article is NOT to be construed as investment advice. Neither the author nor the publication takes any responsibility or liability for any investments, profits or losses you may incur as a result of this information. The article contains affiliate links.



Jimmy Cash

Former Navy Nuclear Officer, USNA grad turned obsessed with crypto currency and trying to keep up with the young bucks of crypto.